Plano Isd Pay Schedule 2024-2024. This salary schedule is based on 187 days for. 2023โ€2024 pay ranges mechanics and sr.

Plano Isd Pay Schedule 2024-2024

2.0% for executives and 3.0% for all other job groups. Reserve about an hour to complete the application.

*These Dates Are Subject To Change.

Reserve about an hour to complete the application.

Years Of State Minimum Experience

The interim goal is to reach and maintain a.

Begins On February 26, 2024.

New administrators may be started at a salary above the control rate if a pay

Images References :

*These Dates Are Subject To Change.

New administrators may be started at a salary above the control rate if a pay

Adopt A General Pay Increase (Gpi) To Maintain Market Position:

2.0% for executives and 3.0% for all other job groups.

*These Dates Are Subject To Change.

The following are the tentative scheduled pay dates and periods for the 2023/2024 school year.